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Baby Curious coaching

Are you curious about what life with a baby might look like for you? Are you someone who likes to research things thoroughly before jumping in? Are you feeling called to start the next phase of your life that includes creating a family? During a Baby Curious Coaching Session we cover specific questions you have about babies and the process of preparing for one while delving into your unique life and style. We discuss the financial aspect of raising a child, and what the day-to-day, monthly or yearly expenses might be that are worth considering. Through resources, real life scenarios, and lots of interesting and thought provoking questions, we together assess and imagine the experience you’re looking for.


Baby Name Coaching

Finding the perfect name for your little one can be utterly overwhelming. It's a lot of pressure to find a name that you love, or that you and your partner agree on. There are so many factors to consider and it can bring out intense emotions. From thinking through how the first name flows with your last name to names that pair well with the names of siblings (if there are any), to wanting to find a derivative of a family name to honor someone special, you want to feel good about the meaning of the name. I am here to help, to brainstorm, to assist you in narrowing down your choices, to help you consider all things from syllables to styles, to initials, to alliteration. Let’s bring fun into this process!

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Nursery Planning

This is a service that encompasses many different options. We can build a plan that fits your specific needs. Some of the services include: building your baby shower registry, mapping out nursery design and furniture, ordering/stocking the best baby products for your lifestyle, curating the layette, hiring assistance for postpartum help (ie: doula, nanny, NCS), and resources for proper car seat installation, infant CPR classes, baby proofers, etc.

Nursery Organization

This service can be added into Nursery Planning, but is also a stand alone service. This is fantastic if you already have a baby and your nursery needs to be organized. This is also a great service post-baby shower. I come in and unravel the chaos of all the gifts. I evaluate and document what you have, and what you still need to get, separate duplicate gifts, and/or things that need to be returned or donated. I can then organize and put things away in a system and walk you through how to maintain it.

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Monthly Care plans

A monthly individualized schedule that covers days and nights of your newborn. We factor in feeding guidelines (breastfeeding or formula), play time/tummy time, naps, bedtime routine, etc. I also give you tips and structure for sleep conditioning, which sets a solid foundation for sleep training down the road.

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Sleep Training Plans

Co-created intuitive sleep training plans that we design together. I assess your baby's sleep habits and challenges, where they are developmentally and their daily routine. I also get a clear sense of your goals and parenting style, and we co-create an individual sleep training plan. Virtual assistance available.