This Moment: F*ck you and Thank you

Dear Coronavirus,

F*ck you.



Quarantine. Social Distancing. Self Isolating. SARS. Coronavirus. COVID. Unprecedented Times. 

Where can I find toilet paper? Rice? Beans? Yeast? Baby wipes?


Can we all just wake up from this nightmare already? I'm sure I'm hardly alone in this feeling. I understand that this is affecting EVERYONE, and although there is so much to be thankful for, damn, this moment in time has been crazy-making. Hey Coronavirus, are you a non-committal guy? Kidding. But seriously…Are you staying? Are you going? To be honest, I’d prefer it if you’d just ghost us! Bye.

I know, I know, my website is all babies and intuition, and my Instagram is flowers, newborns and Paris. But don't get it twisted, I'll show you the light, but I will also talk about the dark.

This website and business launch has been years in the making. I've been doing this work for a very long time, I just did it more word-of-mouth because I had such good luck doing things that way. But as I worked with more and more families, I realized that in addition to my in-home work, maybe helping in a broader sense and sharing what I know with people I don't see face to face might be a better path to service.

Launching during a pandemic was obviously not my ideal scenario. But hey, my "word" for 2020 is FLOW, so guys, I'm just trying to go with it. I was actually supposed to be in my favorite city, Paris, right now. Much to my dismay (and like many others), I had to pull the plug on that vacation, and a trip in March to my other favorite city, Nashville. For someone who had grand plans of creating content showcasing my two favorite cities, being stuck in my home for the better part of 2 months has been an interesting journey. I have a couple of wonderful consultants that are helping me with launching this website and business, in addition to countless friends, family and clients that have been so incredibly supportive. I am so grateful for the goodness in my life. However, I've had to really dig deep and get creative to find photo content to share, and to launch when things are less than perfect. I know babies, but damn, I struggle with this web and social media stuff.

So here we are on the eve of launch day and I am reflecting on the process. For those of you that know me, you know how much I am obsessed with astrology. For those of you that don't, if you follow me on this adventure, I will be talking about it frequently. I am a Virgo Sun/Cancer Moon, and I will tell you that sharing doesn't come easily to me. I often say my gravestone will read "Good Giver, Bad Sharer." The sharing part implies actual sharing of things (I would seriously prefer to buy you your own item than share mine) but also sharing things about myself. I fail at "sharing circles" and I hate FaceTime. Public speaking? HARD PASS. Even having a public Instagram is a big stretch for me. Yet, here I am determined to stretch my comfort zone. And honestly, it's the best way I can feel productive with all this time at home, and with so much uncertainty surrounding the future. 

If you want to work with me on your journey through parenthood, it would be an honor. I wholeheartedly believe that the right parents and babies always find their way to me. If you just want to follow along and learn some baby and toddler tips, tricks and shortcuts, please send me your questions and suggestions. For those here because they know and love me, I wouldn't be able to do this without you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Here we go!




Skip It: Baby Items You Should NOT bother to invest in